Pharmacy plays part in ‘sticking it’ to hepatitis C

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Pharmacy plays part in ‘sticking it’ to hepatitis C

Paulette Crowley

Paulette Crowley

Liver Hepatitis C
There are approximately 20,000 people living with hepatitis C in New Zealand [IMAGE: RASI BHADRAMANI ON ISTOCK.COM]

Pharmacy was smack in the middle of the relaunch of the ‘Stick it to hep C’ campaign in July. In a world-first, pharmacists will be able to prescribe the cure-all treatment for the disease, which could help the estimated 20,000 New Zealanders living with hepatitis C. Paulette Crowley spoke with the experts hoping to drive hep C out of town, for good

Key points, Specially trained pharmacists and nurses will now be able to prescribe Maviret, which can cure up to 98 per cent of hepatitis C cases. About 60 phar, BACK panel - grey