Māori Pharmacists Association

Maori language week

Operating since 2002 with a membership over 120, Ngā Kaitiaki o Te Puna Rongoā o Aotearoa ǀ The Māori Pharmacists’ Association (MPA)  is a national Māori health organisation with the specific aim and overarching vision “To lead Māori responsiveness in the pharmacy sector in the development and delivery of services aimed to increase medicines optimisation in Māori whānau.

MPA are uniquely placed to provide a Te Ao Māori context within the realm of Pharmacy, including medicines use and optimisation. MPA represents the clinical, ethical and cultural domain of pharmacy, medicines use and optimisation to which no other professional body can lay claim to.

Nationally supported and locally led, MPA influence and impact on health outcomes is significant as it has the potential to change medicine use and compliance throughout the Aotearoa New Zealand.

Articles by Māori Pharmacists Association